get started

Simple explanations

CodeLens provides easy-to-understand explanations for complex programming concepts, so you can learn at your own pace.

Concept visualization

With CodeLens, you can visualize programming concepts in a clear and intuitive way, making it easier to understand and apply them.


CodeLens offers debugging support to help you find and fix errors in your code quickly and easily.

Syntax Hints

CodeLens provides helpful hints for coding syntax, making it easier to write code that works every time.

Powered by advanced GPT-4 Large Language Models

Newton AI CodeLens is powered by advanced GPT-4 Large Language Models, which means you can trust that you're getting the most accurate and up-to-date support for your programming needs.

Our powerful AI algorithms use natural language processing to understand complex programming questions and provide simple explanations, concept visualization, debugging support, and syntax hints, all in real-time.

Input your question or code snippet

To use Newton AI CodeLens, simply input your programming question or code snippet into the tool. Whether you're working on a personal project or need help with a coding challenge, CodeLens is the perfect tool to help you solve complex programming questions quickly and easily.

Newton AI CodeLens analyses in real-time

Once you've input your question or code snippet, CodeLens will analyze it using our advanced AI algorithms. Our algorithms use natural language processing and machine learning techniques to understand the structure and intent of your code, allowing us to provide accurate and relevant suggestions and support.

CodeLens gives you suggestions and hints

CodeLens will give you simple explanations of programming concepts, concept visualisation to help you understand and apply those concepts, debugging support to help you find and fix errors in your code, and syntax hints to help you write code that works every time. With CodeLens, you'll have access to all the tools and support you need to become a better programmer.

Get real-time results based on what you type

CodeLens provides real-time results, allowing you to quickly and easily solve complex programming questions. Our advanced AI algorithms work quickly and accurately, providing you with the insights and support you need to get the job done. So whether you're a beginner or a seasoned programmer, you can trust that CodeLens will help you improve your coding skills and become a better programmer.

Step 5

All your favourite languages are supported

CodeLens supports a wide range of programming languages, including popular languages like Python, Java, and C++. Whether you're working on a web application, data analysis, or machine learning project, CodeLens can help you with your programming needs.

Powered by advanced GPT-4 Large Language Models

Whether you're a student, or a professional programmer, Newton AI CodeLens is the perfect tool to help you improve your coding skills and become a better programmer.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Newton AI CodeLens?

Newton AI CodeLens is an AI-powered tool that provides simple explanations, concept visualisation, debugging hints, and syntax hints to programmers. It helps you solve complex programming questions and improve your coding skills

What programming languages does Newton AI CodeLens support?

CodeLens supports a wide range of programming languages, including popular languages like Python, Java, and C++. It can be used for web development, data analysis, and machine learning projects.

Is Newton AI CodeLens accessible to everyone?

Newton AI CodeLens is accessible to Newton School students throughout their learning modules and products. It's also accessible to others through Newton School's Question of the Day page.

What kind of support does CodeLens provide?

CodeLens provides debugging hints and syntax hints to help you solve programming problems. It also provides simple explanations and concept visualisation to help you understand programming concepts better.

Is Newton AI CodeLens easy to use?

Yes, Newton AI CodeLens has a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy to get started with programming. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, you'll find that CodeLens is easy to use and provides helpful hints and guidance to help you solve complex programming questions.

Does Newton AI CodeLens have a community of users?

Yes, Newton AI CodeLens has a community of users who share their programming knowledge and experience, within the Newton School platform. You can ask questions, share your knowledge, and connect with other programmers from around the world.

Is Newton AI CodeLens free to use?

Yes, absolutely. Newton AI CodeLens is free to use for both our students and non-students. All you need is a Newton School account.

get started